This is Amanda and Anthony. We have been been best friends for 8 years. 8 years of love, fights,
relationships, jobs and cars!
We first discovered Round Mound in 1999 after a long night of drinking and a few ghost stories. One
of our best friends, Curtis, was telling us about a haunted Cemetery in Atchison KS. Being young and drunk we decided to take
a road trip. We were hooked after the first time and went back with Curtis on several different occasions.
After Curtis moved away we tried numerous time to find Round Mound and never could. When we would
ask people in Atchison, or try to look for directions on the internet everyone acted like it did not exsist. We decided this
year that Round Mound was just an imaginary place that Curtis made for us to go.
This year on July 3, 2005 (Amanda's Birthday) we decided we would try one last time.....and WE FOUND
IT! That is our story of Round Mound and that is why this site is here!